Classic Rock Album Covers as GIF Art | R1 Creative Agency Classic Rock Album Covers as GIF Art | R1 Creative Agency

Classic Rock Album Covers as GIF Art


We’re suckers for a good GIF! Artist Juan Betancourt creates mesmerizing moving worlds, transforming iconic rock album covers into nostalgic vignettes. Clever, and often surprising,  Betancourt’s GIF artistry revives the images that once defined the likes of Nirvana, Led Zeppelin, Daft Punk, and Metallica. We collected some of our favourites here.

Pink Floyd 'Dark Side of the Moon' (1973)

Metallica 'St. Anger' (2003)

No Use For a Name 'Daily Grind' (1993)

Blur 'Modern Life Is Rubbish' (1991)

Bad Religion 'Suffer' (1988)

Blackwolfgoat 'Drone Maintenance' (2014)

Coldplay 'Parachutes' (2000)

Nirvana 'Nevermind' (1991)

Led Zeppelin 'Celebration Day' (2012)

Metallica 'Ride the Lightening' (1984)

The Smashing Pumpkins 'Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness' (1995)

Visit Juan Betancourt’s tumbler to see more brilliant GIFs.

GIFs and animation have a way of capturing the imagination.  Looking for ways to incorporate them into your campaigns? Hit us up.


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