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Vacation Rental Websites Build Credibility Online

Los Proyectos Moderno is a vacation rental property perched on a secluded five-acre lot in the lush jungles of Punta Uva Beach, Costa Rica. Frequent comparisons between Punta Uva and Tulum have resulted in an influx of eco-tourists and adventurers looking for a pristine beach getaway. The number of local rental listings has skyrocketed as real estate investors look to develop properties and cash in on the wave of tourism. Our client was looking to reach these travelers online, gain their trust, and boost bookings and revenue. Here’s how we helped.


Custom WordPress Development
Responsive Website Design
Content Management System
Social Media Integration
Basic SEO
Newsletter Signup Form
Lead Generation Form


The best way to market
a short term rental property

The rising trend of peer-to-peer rental listings is here to stay and has opened a world of opportunity for real estate investors. Online marketplaces and listings channels like and offer much-needed exposure to a target audience, however increasing competition amongst listers is driving the need for differentiation. Potential renters are seeking trustworthy listings with clear, accurate descriptions and high-quality photography. Competitive investors are addressing this need by supporting their marketplace listings (such as on Airbnb) by linking to branded websites that further inform, nurture and convert leads. In a maturing peer-to-peer rental market a professional, authentic online presence is both required and cost-effective to maximize lead conversion and overall return on investment (ROI).

Website design optimized
for rental bookings and conversions

Los Proyectos Moderno needed to stand out amongst the rising number of rental listings in Punta Uva. The clean, minimal website layout with delightful design elements reassures visitors that Los Proyectos Moderno is a quality business that cares about client experience. The result appeals directly to eco-conscious travelers looking for a serene experience. Our complete design overhaul has resulted in a standout, revenue-generating vacation rental listing website.

Mobile-ready for online searches

Vacation planning is increasingly being done on the internet using smartphones, making it absolutely essential for rental websites to be mobile-ready. The design is responsive across smartphone and tablet screens, with the website resizing to fit any screen. Mobile layouts are structured for finger scrolling, allowing users to easily select buttons and links on smaller screens. Mobile-optimized website code allows pages to load quickly on smartphones and tablets.

Quality content that motivates action

Tightly written copy with engaging headlines keeps visitors scrolling through the website. High-quality, artistic photo content impresses visitors with realistic and enticing visuals, further enhancing trust. Strategically placed Calls-To-Action (CTAs) motivate contact form submissions. For lukewarm leads, a newsletter sign up form connects visitors with the client, creating an opportunity for future engagement.

Travelers searching for the ideal vacation rental have to weed through listings on marketplaces like Airbnb, online travel agencies like Travelocity, small realty sites, and everything in-between. The options are endless and the selection process can be quite overwhelming. A professional website is a major differentiator that increases booking requests. 

Are you looking to get your business online? We’re here to help.